
Showing posts from March, 2023

Choosing self value

By the time you read this I will have already started my new job, but at the time of writing, my previous job ended. There were some issues with FMLA, a bunch of bureaucratic nightmares that meant while my job performance was great, my attendance went from pending to a bunch of unapproved. I don't blame my last job, they had a 3rd party group handling FMLA that just made things extra hard to get going for someone with ADHD. I've already found a new job starting in a couple days, but there was an experience that got me overthinking and I wanted to share. 

To task or to multitask? Wait, my show's on!

You're terrible at multitasking! If you were born around the turn of the century, this is likely a phrase you've heard before. Some will just criticize your ability, some will say you need to focus on one task at a time and give 100% to it until it's done. But the conclusion, either way, is my generation and after cannot multitask effectively. Back in their day, they loaded the wagon with hay while reciting french poetry from memory that they would use in the essay they were writing between hay bales. All this in the snow with the wagon uphill both ways, of course.