
Showing posts from September, 2023

Tier List, Everything Edition

We've talked many times about overthinking and the good and bad sides of it, but I want to expand on a particular aspect of it today. Because I've overthought everything, I have a different way of looking at problems than many people do. I am not content to try a solution or two and find my preference. 

Why I'm 'Bad' at cleaning

As a kid, I often felt things were unfairly expected of me. It took years of learning about myself to understand why these expectations were unfair. One such struggle was cleaning my room. I would be told to clean my room as any kid would be. 20 minutes later and it wasn't done, worse in fact. Thus came the ultimatum. So many more minutes, usually 5 or 10, and they would check again. If it wasn't done by then, I would get a punishment. So I quickly tidied up to their standards in a few minutes and avoided punishment.