
Tier List, Everything Edition

We've talked many times about overthinking and the good and bad sides of it, but I want to expand on a particular aspect of it today. Because I've overthought everything, I have a different way of looking at problems than many people do. I am not content to try a solution or two and find my preference. 

Why I'm 'Bad' at cleaning

As a kid, I often felt things were unfairly expected of me. It took years of learning about myself to understand why these expectations were unfair. One such struggle was cleaning my room. I would be told to clean my room as any kid would be. 20 minutes later and it wasn't done, worse in fact. Thus came the ultimatum. So many more minutes, usually 5 or 10, and they would check again. If it wasn't done by then, I would get a punishment. So I quickly tidied up to their standards in a few minutes and avoided punishment. 

ADHD And Mental Health Struggles

 Hey guys, it's Spec. I decided to take this slot from Jacob because I actually have something to say about ADHD for a change. I feel many people struggle with their mental health not only those with ADHD. But, it seems that people with ADHD struggle more frequently, and to a greater degree. 

Why exercise is harder for ADHD

As my knees near the floor for the last time, my bones creak and all the breath in my body leaves in one exasperated gasp. The pain is debilitating and the strain is simply too much. This will be my final act, my last moment. As I reach up to my child in anguish, hoping they have a happy life without me, my child takes the toy out of my hand and my wife tells me to get up.

And The Wait Begins Again

It is no secret that the mental health services in the Uk are shocking, to say the least, but on top of this, it has knock-on effects on other services that some people may not think about. In my case, I have joined the long wait list for adults with ADHD who are looking to get help or support. 

Playing Devil's Advocate is a full-time gig

Overthinking is my life, my existence, my state of being. But also I really enjoy the simplicity and easy thoughts. But on the other hand...

Learning by Teaching

School is often a struggle for ADHD. Not because we're dumb or lazy, but because forced learning isn't interesting. The more forced something is, the less motivated I am. When I was in college, I struggled to sit for 5 minutes and even look at homework or projects. Yet during the same time, I got interested in using grey water in residential construction and checked out 3 books from the library. I completely read all three and took notes the whole time. Self-motivation is key for me to learn anything.